Viewing Judge Albert Edgerton (1815-1896).Judge Albert Edgerton (1815-1896).The Bankruptcy Act of 1867 authorized the Chief Justice to "nominate and recommend" registers in bankruptcy to the district court judges, who would then appoint them to serve in congressional districts. Chief Justice Samuel Chase nominated two registers to serve in Minnesota: Henry C. Butler of Rochester and Albert Edgerton of St. Paul, and they were appointed by Judge Rensselaer Nelson. Although the Bankruptcy Act of 1867 was repealed by Congress in 1878, the two registers took years to finish up the cases on their dockets. On November 2, 1896, Judge Albert Edgerton died, aged eighty-one. In obituaries in the local press he was recalled as one of the state's first two bankruptcy jurists as well as the founder of the Minnesota Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. |